
Early Years Unit

Early Years Unit

This year we are running our Early Years as a unit where both Nursery and Reception share the learning environment and learn together. At Wylam First School we very much believe that the Early Years are pivotal in children developing a love for learning so we focus on the development of the whole child with a balance of teacher led and supported activities and child led exploration. 


For Nursery age children, we primarily focus on the 3 Prime Areas of Learning and the Characteristics of Effective Learning, particularly in the first term, moving on to also focus on the specific areas of Literacy and Maths when children are ready to do so. 

In the Reception year the focus moves from the 3 prime areas to the specific areas of learning where children begin their journey to become literate and numerate. 

We work within the EYFS Statutory Framework and use Development Matters to support our curriculum. EYFS Teachers also work with curriculum leaders to ensure that that our Early Years Curriculum provides the foundations for the National Curriculum, which begins in Y1. 

In EYFS we also support Wylam First School's  whole school curriculum intent which focuses on the development of; STEM (Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering), Creative Development and Physical Development, Knowledge and Welfare which is woven through the Early Years Curriculum.

 Outdoor Learning

Working in the outdoors is an important part of the Early Years curriculum and the children have access to the Early Years yard, the school allotment, Community Orchard and woodland across the week. They also take part in Wild About Adventure and the Wild Passport.

We are committed to providing as much outdoor learning as possible and operate a free flow approach to using the Early Years yard, hold weekly sessions in the allotment and spend time in our community orchard and woodland once a week during Welly Wednesday!

Parents as Partners


At Wylam First School we aim to build strong partnerships with parents. Parents are regularly invited into school to take part in  'Stay and Play' sessions and workshops, are asked to contribute to the assessment process through online learning journals.


In Nursery we offer both 15 hours free entitlement for all 3 and 4 year olds and the 30 hours childcare for eligible parents. We also offer parents the flexibility to pay for extra sessions, above their entitlements, if they wish. 
This entitlement can be taken over 5 half days, 2.5 full days or full days across the week.
Morning sessions are 9am - 12pm
Full days are 9am - 3pm
Children can begin their learning journey with us from the term after they turn 3 years old.
Children begin their Reception journey in the academic year that they turn 5 years old. At Wylam the Reception class can take up to 30 Reception children. 
Reception begins at 8:50am and the end of the school day is 3:10pm