PTFA Meetings
Come along to our next meeting – find out about the organisation of pending events, listen to future fund raising plans and find out how we are spending the PTFA funds.
You can support our PTFA fundraising activities by simply attending events.
If you have organisational, artistic, motivational or any other skills you can contribute to events – please volunteer!
Direct Debit
If you want to support the PTFA but do not have the time or interest in events, you can make a regular or one off donation.
Please contact the Treasurer for more details.
Community Funds
We are always looking for companies who have charitable community funds that we may be eligible for; please ask your company and local companies if they have a fund? Please also encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Please contact a Trustee or Class Rep if you have any details to share.
Earn rewards for you and your community. Wylam First School has been chosen for the Co-op local community fund; please sign into your account and select us.
If you are not yet a Co-op member, follow the link above!
Don’t forget that anyone can select to support Wylam First School PTFA, so ask all your friends and family to sign up and select us too!
Give As You Live
Do you shop online? Food shopping from Tesco? Christmas shopping from Amazon? GiveAsYouLive is a way to raise funds without leaving your sofa. Please sign up and help raise funds for Wylam First School PTA.