Mrs Stephanie Gibbon
Responsible for:
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Quality of Education
Leadership and Management
Design Technology across Wylam and Prudhoe Castle First School
Physical Education
Ms Jill Dodds
Deputy Headteacher
Responsible for:
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Personal Development
Behaviour and Welfare
Early Career teacher development
Mrs Kerry Baxter
EYFS Lead, EYFS teacher
Responsible for:
Launchpad to Literacy
Speech and Language Development
Currently working towards NPQ in Early Years
Mrs Kerri Myers
Nursery Teacher
Ms Alexandra Stockley
Year 3 Teacher
Mrs Angela Fixter
Year 1 Teacher
Mrs Emma Long
Year 3 Teacher, Mathematics lead
Responsible for:
Curriculum leadership of mathematics
NCETM Maths mastery
Supporting mathematics curriculum lead at Prudhoe Castle First School
Staff Governor
Staff wellbeing governor
Mrs Yvonne Hamilton
Year 3 Teacher, Art Co-ordinator
Responsible for:
Curriculum leadership of art across Wylam and Prudhoe Castle First School
Miss Aimee Todd
Year 2 Teacher , Humanities Lead
Responsible for:
Responsible for the implementation of the Foundation Curriculum
Curriculum leadership of History and Geography across Wylam and Prudhoe Castle First School
Currently working towards NPQ in Leading Teaching
Ms Erin Palmer
Year 4 Teacher, Computing Lead
Responsible for:
Curriculum leadership of computing.